To my blog followers, I wish you all a Happy New Year as we embark on the next 365 or so days of the year 2011. I would like to state that I have not made, as they term them, "new year's resolutions" since I keep coming up with the same resolutions each week and to state them at the beginning of the new year would be redundant, and show my inadequacy in upholding them.
All this set aside, I would like to focus on my health (go with me on this one) in four aspects this year, and make that a priority, the four being Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and Emotional. I recognize that my quiet time could use some work, and I want to be more diligent in digging into the Scriptures instead of skimming mere words on the page. I want to grow in my prayer life, so that I approach God with a better understanding of who He is, which in turn helps me understand who I am. Secondly, the physical. I need to make exercise a daily part of my routine. Supposedly it's good for you, but I can never maintain the habit of it long enough. When faced with the option of sleeping in, or getting up to go to the gym, the gym never stands a chance. Hopefully I can improve on that one... Thirdly, the mental aspect: I want to dive into my studies this semester and the world around me with an active and inquisitive mind, and stretch myself. This will probably be the easiest of the four goals.
And lastly, the emotional. This goes hand in hand with the Spiritual. I realize more and more, that my heart is divided. The Bible talks about the heart being the center of the person, from which everything else flows. In Proverbs we are admonished to guard our hearts, since it is the wellspring of life. I want to place my heart in the hands of my heavenly Father, so that no matter what set-backs, disappointments, or pains I encounter, I'm always resting safe and secure in Him. I do believe this may be the hardest of the four, and I know it will be a life long process. When I begin to feel overwhelmed and on the verge of a meltdown, I love recalling this psalm: "You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart my fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" (Psalm 73:24-26). I love it. When everything is whirling around, all that matters is you and God, and as long as those two things are straight, you have nothing to fear. That's a great comfort to me.
I don't know what your goals or resolutions are this year, but I hope that you remember what's truly important, or rather Who is truly important.
Me gusta Psalm 73:24-26 mucho!