Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Greetings from "Home"!

Hello, all! (whoever may be reading this, any one of my seven trusty followers) I am now back at my second home, my dear school that I have been away from for far too many months. I am halfway through the first week, and things are good. Classes are good, friends are good, all is good...except for God and the cafeteria. The first is great, the second is... so-so. But all in all, I'm very happy to be back, and am so blessed to be here. It's been a long journey, and I'm still on a life-long expedition, but God has been good to me to get me to where I am now, and I am grateful. I know He's not finished with me yet, because, I'm still here aren't I? ;)


  1. Hey! I'm glad your back and hope your studies go well =P Come visit me at VT and I'll show you have cafeteria food is supposed to taste. VT is ranked number 1 in the nation or in the usa or something....

  2. Carolynn!!!!! Name your weekend, and I'll check my calendar! I'd love to visit! :) Thanks for the well-wishes with the studies!
